Swipe less and date more with my profile plan!

Do you still believe that
pineapple on a pizza sh*t works?


Does your swipe feed make you want to throw your phone at the wall?

Does your inbox look like a crush conversation graveyard?

Do you struggle converting app “pen-pals” to actual IRL dates?

how you set up your dating profile can make or break your entire dating experience…

How f*cked is that!?

Let's start yours off with a bang (or a date, if that's more your style).

Hi! I’m Sera

your dating coach!

I’m here to help you through the mud, mystery and mind-f**k (let’s be real) of modern dating.

I take a science-backed approach to help swiping singles—just like you—save more time, effort, and sanity!

(Humblebrag: I’m the Tinder AUS Dating Expert and have appeared on TV, radio and news sites...)

Ps. Mates call me Bozza, you can too!

i founded SIDESWIPED to make your dating life easier, effortless and of course a little juicier too.

I want you to enjoy the sh*t out of your single life… while it lasts ;)

Let’s get you all kinds of swipe-able!


Book your 60-minute Profile Plan call (Zoom) then upload your pics + screenshots. Give to get!

I get to work on your personalised tips! Tips that speak directly to you and your profile.

You show up all-ears for your call and get your actionable plan and clear swiping strategy!

Tired of the delete-download (repeat) endless cycle?

  • There’s a good profile. And then there’s f**k off good. A profile that unlocks doors and endless date opportunities. That makes people bite their fist good. Bozza is in the business of getting you there. Her tips are client-approved and app-approved!



The apps know a good match when they see one. I am the Tinder AUS dating expert (2024) and my profile tips have featured on the Tinder AUS app and @tinderau Instagram to help single Aussie’s maximise the swiping surge on Dating Sunday (Swipe™ Sunday) January 7, 2024. 

ready for your profile plan?


👌 it’s a vibe if…

You’re keen to break free from the dating app delete-redownload (repeat) cycle!

You’ve been on the apps for ages or a very clever newbie looking to get set up for swiping success!

You’re done with guesswork and want a proven profile plan to follow…

You want science-backed, practical and no-BS tips from an expert

✖️it’s not a vibe if…

You want quick “algorithm-hack!” fixes and don’t want to put in actual effort

You’re not on dating apps, don’t really wanna be and won’t change your mind about ‘em!

You’re happy with your current screen time, current pics and current dating life

You’re not ready to go on IRL dates or make meaningful off-screen connections

These brands know a good match when they see one! My profile tips have featured on…

Got questions?

  • Lock in your 60-minute session, upload your info, and pay—all in one go! Then, join Zoom (preferably on a laptop) with your phone in hand. Leave with a personalised profile plan and actionable, (only) positive takeaways.

    I never hate on the player (you); I help you play the game! Not into real-time feedback? No worries. In place of your call I can send a recording with my recs.

  • Stuck in the download-delete-repeat cycle on apps? Then it’s for you! Whether you're new or a seasoned swiper, how you first set up your profile can make or break your dating experience.

    Get your free profile mistakes guide on my homepage to learn how common profile mistakes mess up your match queue.

    *If your profile’s a well-oiled machine and you’re churning through dates, this isn’t for you. But if you’re churning and burning through those dates with no success, 1:1 coaching might be your answer.

  • Tips and tricks to be more swipe-able: what pics to keep or ditch, a guide on how to take new ones, and how to choose their order. End result? A profile filled with “olive branches” so you seed conversation and connection.

    I'll help you eliminate any red flags, add variety, proof points, and personality to turn your matches’ internal “maybe?” into a vocal “f*ck yeah!”

  • You have to own the effort and action you take. After a total reset (potentially including taking new pics), expect better matches and a better overall experience.

    But we’re getting you to your best profile, not a magic profile. Results vary if you have inflated expectations, refuse to let go of polarizing profile pics or maintain a negative mindset.

  • Subscriptions (more roses, more spells, more [marketing spin]) can unlock benefits, but not if your profile isn’t working. Upgrading won’t fix a bad profile; it’ll just fuel your existing dumpster fire.

    First, get your profile right, then consider upgrading as a nice-to-have, not a must-have. Otherwise, paying to play is more a gamble than a guarantee!

  • I’ve spent 500+ hours coaching and crafting profile plans. My profile tips have been shared on TV, radio, print and digi publications, and even on the Tinder app.

    This isn’t a humblebrag; it’s proof that my tips to level up work, when you get to work.

  • No refunds. Along with a profile plan, tips, tricks and homework, you’re also getting my time. I show up for you and expect you to do the same for yourself.