Ts & Cs

Sera is a member of the International Coaching Federation which means she is bound by ethics and wants you to know about them!
(Membership ID: 009677741I)

Upon the commencement of a coaching contract, Sera agrees to provide you personal coaching services to facilitate your achievement of stated and agreed outcomes through a series of regular sessions on the terms and conditions below.

Coach-Client Relationship

A. Coach agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behaviour established by the International Coaching Federation “(ICF)” (Coachingfederation.org/ethics). It is recommended that the Client review the ICF Code of Ethics and the applicable standards of behaviour.

B. Client is solely responsible for creating and implementing their own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of or resulting from the interactions with the Coach. As such, the Client agrees that the Coach is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Coach.
I.e You make a mess and you gotta lie in it! The Client understands coaching does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.

C. Client further acknowledges that he/she may terminate or discontinue the coaching relationship at any time.
That’s right! Let’s get you spending more time out there than with Sera.

D. Client acknowledges that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve different areas of their life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. And how to handle incorporating coaching principles in there is exclusively the Client’s responsibility.

E. The Client understands that in order to enhance the coaching relationship, the Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the program. Total presence, or nothing.

Coaching is

  • A collaborative, solution focussed, results-oriented and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, self-directed learning and personal and professional growth of the coachee.

  • About assisting you to realise your full potential

  • About moving you from awareness to responsibility to action


This coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with the Coach as part of this relationship, is bound by the principles of confidentiality set forth in the ICF Code of Ethics. The Coach agrees not to disclose any information pertaining to the Client without the Client’s written consent. The Coach will not disclose the Client’s name as a reference without the Client’s consent.

According to the ethics of our profession, topics may be anonymously and hypothetically shared with other coaching professionals for training, supervision, mentoring, evaluation, and for coach professional development and/or consultation purposes.

Sideswiped.club members

Your signed 1:1 formalised coaching agreement will stipulate the rules about contact in between sessions. But in short…
Am I available for (seriously legit) emergencies? Yes.
Am I here to celebrate your wins? In our session- always.
Am I available to analyse you ‘you up?’ texts in real time after midnight? Abso-fucking-lutely not.


If you provide less than 24 hours notice, or worse, ghost, your session will be charged in full. It's called knowing your worth, people.


All purchases of e-books and/ or merch are non-refundable and non-transferable.