1:1 Coaching

Overwhelmed? Ghosted? Hopeful? Deflated? Enraged? 

Sound familiar?

1:1 Coaching helps you identify your dating blindspots and gives you the tools to work through ‘em. From world-turning love to summer flings to steamy one-night stands. I’m here to help you find what you're looking for…

Best of all, you get all the secret tips and tricks to make dating a pleasure.


You will…

  • Develop the right dating mindset (heck, you might even learn to love it!)

  • Combat date-related anxiety, fear and fatigue.

  • Elevate your swipe (and chat) game and nail that IRL approach.

  • Be challenged, supported and cheered on - hope you like voice notes! And..

  • Finally have some good news for your group chat!

Ready to swap your guesswork for strategy?


Step 1: Apply!

Fill out a few quick questions. If you’re the right fit, I’ll see you on our free 15-min strategy call.

Step 2: Strategy sesh!

We’ll dig deep into your goals and blindspots, and whip up a game plan for *you (with or without me).

Step 3: Let’s do this!

Congrats! Made it here and you’ve scored me as your coach! Book in your first call and get ready to work!

my 1:1 coaching isn’t for everyone

If you make the cut, you’re working privately with me as your coach. I show up for you, and you’re expected to show up for yourself. No BS—dating is full of it already. Just real progress.


👌 it’s a vibe if…

You’re ready to put in serious effort and face some of your dating demons.

You want clarity and confidence in your dating strategy, from your profile to your first date and beyond.

You’re ready to invest in yourself and make real progress to get real results.

You’re ready to start validating yourself and done with seeking it externally.

✖️it’s not a vibe if…

You want quick “algorithm-hacks” and don’t want to put in actual effort

You’re not looking for a relationship. If you just want to swipe smarter, my Profile Plan has you covered.

You’re not ready to step up, make sh*t happen, and ditch your excuses.

You’re not up for IRL dates or making meaningful off-screen connections.

What happens next?

1:1 Coaching with Sera

If you're fired up and passed the strategy session, aka the “ready to overhaul your dating life?” test, here’s how we can turn up the heat.

Showing up for a coaching package with Sera looks like this:

  • Dive into at least six 60-minute sessions, spread across six weeks, that pack a punch. We’re talking about major impact each time we meet. And you doing homework in between.

    You’re not just investing your time— you’re investing in a dating life that feels bloody good and gets you closer to the connection you really want. And you better believe you're getting a total dating app profile makeover.

  • Show up on Zoom ready to roll, get very uncomfortable and ferociously take notes (yep, put that shit in writing!) You'll receive practical tasks to test your new skills in the wild and be held accountable while doing ‘em!


Six one-on-one 60-minute sessions in your calendar and the juicy transformation that comes with ‘em. Plus, a dating profile review, post-session tasks and the sweet feeling of having control amidst the sh*tshow of modern dating.